References and sources
Study carried out by CC Roger PIOT-CHAPPE in 1974 from the following sources:
La Revue Maritime no. 253 of April 1968 - "The loss of the submarine MINERVE" by CA (ER) SACAZE.
The Maritime Review no. 264 of April 1969 - Marine Information Note No. 46 of February 27, 1969. "Research for the wreck of the MINERVE" presentation delivered on January 31, 1969 before the Académie de la Marine by Captain SEVAISTRE of the Maritime Staff.
Official files of the General Staff of the Navy.
Report of the conference of the LV BRUTE DE REMUR at the Naval War School.
Information provided by the FAUGERE Crew Officer
Additional information had been communicated to him by friends or taken from official documents with the authorization of Vice-Admiral JOIRE-NOULENS (ALFOST) and Captain GAUTHIER (EMM / MAT / SM)
Document and information collected by Hervé Fauve
Private interview with Mr. Pierre MESSMER, former Prime Minister, Minister of Defense when La Minerve disappeared (October 2003)
Presentation by CF KOENIG - Minerva Eurydice: 2 poorly elucidated tragedies - Brest - December 3, 1999
Internet exchanges with a former submariner Mr. Pascal LOURDEL in 2001
Private memoirs of Admiral Jean CAZENAVE (unpublished - document for his children)
"French submarine accidents 1945-1983" cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_Georges KEVORKIAN chez Marine Editions
The "Minerve" file from the archives of Vincennes
Consulting Websites
Audio-visual archives
Consecrated to Minerva
Many other sources will be visible from the page which aims to list all the internet links that lead to individual evocations of each of the missing members of the Minerve crew. To access it clickHERE
I would also like to thank the many people who contributed to enrich this site.
By sending me documents
By showing me the paths to follow
By sending me testimonials
By promoting contacts
By relaying the content of this site
By sharing their interpretation of events with me and helping to improve the content of the site
By pointing out errors
Giving me ideas
Et simply by supporting me and encouraging me to continue
Many of them asked me to preserve their anonymity
Among those who agree to have their name quoted:
Rear Admiral Jacques BLANC
Rear Admiral Dominique SALLES
Rear Admiral Jean-Jacques LEIZE
Principal Master Mechanic Denis GAUDINEAU
Jacques MARQUET for the many illustrations
George KEVORKIAN for his technical explanations
Jean-Marc PELABON for his technical explanations
Jean-Gabriel NEVEU and the site "The Narvalaisefor their active support
The sites of the various antennas of the AGASM