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Before the tragedy

The mission


The crew

The new commander

The last exchanges

The triggering of the alert

The list of missing

Crew members

The survivors

Slideshow Minerva

After the drama

Information of relatives

TV and press media

Press January 28, 1968

Press January 29, 1968

Press January 30, 1968

Press January 31, 1968

Press 1st February 1968

Press February 2, 1968

Information videos from 1968

Search operations

Diving Intervention Group

End of research February 1968

General de Gaulle


The ceremony in the press

Press other ceremonies

Searches fall 1968

Research April 1970

After the ceremony


Investigations and assumptions

Investigative committee


A member of the committee says...

Confidential report

Complementary confidential report

Rudder damage scenario

Flora accident 1971

Snorkeling scenario

Atmosphere in the Navy

Oral testimony

Corrective actions


After 1971

Rumors after 1971

Controversies after 2000

Article from Le Monde - August 20, 2000

Article from La Croix - September 12, 2000

Article by Hubert Foillard

Article from Liberation - October 23, 2000

Secret Defense - 2000-2018

The decisive year – 2018


Minerve archives visits

Open letter to the elected officials of the Var

Media repercussions

TV info on approach

Letter from Mary Agnus

Resumption of research

Family information meeting

Media and resumption of research

Media suite and resumption of research

Research program July 2019

Summer 2019 research campaign in the media

Seabed Constructor

Discovery of Minerva

Images of the wreckage

Deposit of a commemorative plaque

Case report




40th Anniversary

National Submarine Monument

50th anniversary

50th anniversary in the press

Speech by the President of the AGASM

Speech by the Maritime Prefect

Speech on behalf of families

Pointe Saint-Mathieu

Bayeux January 27, 2018

May 12, 2018

Speech by Colonel Gilbert

Address President of the AGASM

June 9, 2018

Speech by the Mayor of Wassy

Address President of the AGASM

Speeches grandnieces M alarm

Maistrance Promotion Minerve

Submarine Day 2018

TV info on day

51st birthday


Ceremony following the discovery of the wreckage

Speech for the AGASM

Speech Hervé Fauve - In the name of the families

Speech Alain Paquet - On behalf of the crew

Speech Admiral Laurent ISnard - Maritime Prefect

Speech Hubert Falco - Mayor of Toulon

Speech Hervé Fauve at sea on the wreck

Speech Nicole Allagnon - Fiancée of Pierre Ampen

Speech by Marie Agnus - Granddaughter of Jean Agnus

Speech by Florence Parly - Minister for the Armed Forces

52nd anniversary

Varaignes February 9, 2020

Port Vendres 14 July 2020

Toulon 1 year after the discovery

Saint Cuxac d'Aude September 19, 2020



The book "Finding the Minerva"

Correspondence site <=> book

The book in the press

Change history

FAQ - frequently asked questions

A word from the author



Minerve archive odds



Plongée du sous-marin Minerve
Article de Paris-Jour le 29 01 68 à propos de la disparition du sous-marin Minerve le 27/01/1968
Carte REMINER des opération de recherche du sous-marin Minerve disparu le 27/01/1968
Affiche de M. Lunardo consacrée au sous-marin Minerve
Epave du sous-marin Minerve - Photo prise lors de sa découverte
Cap Sicie
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