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Inauguration of Rue Minerve in Ouveillan in memory of Marcel Coustal on May 12, 2018 

On May 12, 2018,  a "Rue du Minerve - submarine disappeared on January 27, 1968"  was inaugurated in Ouveillan (11-Aude), village of where the members of the Coustal family come from.

It was a wish of his father, Antoine Coustal, deceased and buried in Ouveillan, to have a public memory of this tragedy.


On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the disappearance Mrs. Martine Coustal thought  that this commemoration was the right moment or never.


The town hall of Ouveillan therefore accepted his proposal.

Mme Coustal,  avec M. René Marin sous-marinier habitant également Ouveillan, membre de l' AGASM la Créole Occitanie sud, in relation to its president Jean-Joël Rudnicki, that this event has been prepared.

Several speeches and speeches were delivered.

Testimony of Colonel Gilbert Sarrail childhood friend of Marcel Coustal

Speech by CA Dominique Salles, president of the AGASM.

Inauguration  de la rue du sous-marin Minerve à Ouveillan le 12/05/2018
Plaque de la rue du sous-marin Minerve à Ouveillan le 12/05/2018
Rue du sous-marin Minerve à Ouveillan le 12/05/2018

Definitive plate rue du Minerve in Ouveillan. On the day of the inauguration, the site was temporary to allow the placement of the flags and the numerous assistance.

L'idépendant - Ouveillan 12/05/2018
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