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Resuming media research
The announcement of the resumption of research from La Minerve by the Ministry of the Armed Forces was widely commented on by the media. It is impossible to list with certainty everything that has been written, published or put online. To follow what could be spotted.
Written and digital press
Le Figaro14.02.19 (for subscribers)
Honfleur Info(for subscribers)
West France (see next page by down arrow)
The Republican Lorrain 23-02-2019(article pagenext)
The Telegram - Testimony of a former Minerve 07-02-2019
Var Matin (see next page by arrow down)
The Voice of the North 06.02.19La
The Voice of the North 08.02.19
Video Interview Daniel Lepretre by FR3 Lille on 10-02-2019
Interview Hervé Fauve - Guy Schultz - France Bleue Alsace
00:00 / 00:00
Interview Didier Leprêtre - France Bleue Nord-Février 2019
00:00 / 00:00
Some of these articles page to follow
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