A plaque in memory of Gérard Lambert is placed on the war memorial in La Vernelle, his hometown September 4, 2021
On September 4, 2021, a commemorative plaque in memory of Gérard Lambert, quartermaster mechanic of the Minerve, was affixed and inaugurated on the War Memorial in his hometown, La Vernelle (36600) in Indre.
The ceremony was organized jointly by the town hall and the AGASM.
It took place in the presence of the family of Gérard Lambert, his sisters Claudette Charve and Monique Trichery, his brothers, Yvon and Serge, and their children.
Several speeches were made, evoking with great emotion the vocation of Gérard Lambert, his commitment and his death.
Others present included:
Mrs. Sabrina Ladoire, sub-prefect of La Châtre,
Ms. Annick Brossier, Mayor of Vernelle
Ms. Marie-Hélène Millet, Departmental Councilor
Mrs. Nadine Bellurot, senator of Indre
Admiral Dominique Salles, President of the AGASM
Joël Piersela, President of the Amicale Le Glorieux, the regional section of the AGASM
Hervé Fauve, son of the commander of the Minerve who gave a lecture on the circumstances of the disappearance of the submarine and the long struggle of the families to find the wreckage.
The local press echoed this ceremony:
The New Republic August 28, 2021
The New Republic September 6, 2021

The Lambert family in front of the war memorial @Alain Caillosse)

@Alain Caillosse)

Mrs. Annick Brossier, Mayor of Vernelle during her speech @Alain Cailllosse