The breakthrough year: 2018
The commemoration of the fiftieth anniversary of the disappearance of Minerva and its suites
The AGASM and the Rubis section and the fiftieth anniversary ceremony
In 2017 the AGASM (Association Générale des Amicales de Sous-Mariniers), chaired by Admiral Dominique Salles, decided with the Rubis section of the association, in Toulon, chaired by Patrick Meulet, decided to organize a ceremony of greater scale to commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of La Minerva.
To this end, they decide to contact the relatives of the missing sailors. The former President of the AGASM, Admiral Jacques Blanc, put them in contact with the family of Commander Fauve, with whom he has always maintained ties of friendship. He suggests entrusting the son of Commander Fauve, Hervé Fauve, with the task of delivering a speech on behalf of the families during a ceremony on January 27 in front of the National Submariner Monument.

Preparation and first steps
A first version of this site was put online on January 1, 2018 by Hervé Fauve with the personal documents he gathered to prepare for the ceremony. It contains 18 pages.
While discussing with Admiral Salles, about the preparation of the ceremony, he realizes that no official representation is planned during the ceremony.
He goes directly to the Presidency of the Republic itself to ask 2 things:
The declassification of the Confidential Defense file the first request for all families.
A state representation at the upcoming January 27 ceremony.
A few days later, Admiral Salles will indicate that many officials will be present at the ceremony.
The letters of the presidency of the republic are visible by clicking HERE