TV News November 27, 2018
Tuesday, November 27, 2018 – 7:18 a.m.
The guest of the Grand Journal de France Bleu Provence Thérèse Scheirman-Descamps

Regional page of FR3 Toulon broadcast about the day of the submarine or the resumption of the search for the wreckage was mentioned on November 27 at 7 p.m.
You will forgive the pixelation of the image which it was not possible to remedy. There is an error on the name of Fauve which was misspelled.

The day before, November 26, Var Matin published an interview with Captain de Jaurias, Commander of the Squadron of Nuclear Attack Submarines. He clearly took a position in favor of resuming the search for the wreck of the Minerve.

Le Jaurias Vessel Captain, in front of the SNA Rubis. Photo P. Bl. Var Morning
West France December 3, 2018