To remember each of the crew members
You will find to follow the list of the disappeared with elements on their personal situation at the time of the tragedy. These situations were sometimes updated with facts known after the tragedy.
You will find links to pages where their name is mentioned.
Do not hesitate to indicate the links which could help to better know and remember each of them (via buttoncontactat the top of the page).
Jean-Marie AGNUS
29 years

Lieutenant, married, two children.
Career: Entrance Naval School: 01/10/1959
Shark submarine: 1 year
Arethuse submarine: 2 ans 2 months
Minerve submarine: 1 year 4 months
On the internet
On the site:Testimonial 1-Testimonial 2- Letter from Mary Agnus
Bernard ALLIX
27 years old

Second-master electrician, married, un child.
Career:Submarine certificate 08/01/1959
Morse submarine: 2 months
Swordfish submarine: 6 months
Andromeda submarine: 7 months
Galatea submarine: 1 year 10 months
Argonaute submarine: 1 year 5 months
Minerve submarine: 5 months
On the internet
Pierre AMPEN
17 ans

Engineer sailor, single.
Career:Submarine certificate 01/01/1968
Minerve submarine: 28 days
Jean-Claude BUHLER
19 years old

Quartermaster electrician, bachelor
Career: Submarine certificate 05/01/1967
Minerve submarine: 8 months
On the Internet
27 years old

Lieutenant, married with two children
Career: Entrance Naval School: 01/10/1959
submarine Diane: 1 year 1 month
Minerve submarine: 6 months
28 years old

Master mechanic, single.
Career:Submarine certificate 08/01/1960
dolphin submarine: 2 years
Argonaut submarine: 7 mois
Minerva submarine: 2 years 6 month
On the Internet
18 years old

Electrician sailor, engaged. an unborn child
Career: Submarine certificate 01/10/1967
Minerva submarine: 4 month
On the Internet
On the site:Information of relatives, Testimony ,
Inauguration of rue du Minerve in the town of his father
Inauguration of Place Marcel Coustal in Saint Cuxac d'Aude
Michael DANNAY
25 years

Master detector, married, one child.
Career:Submarine certificate 03/01/1965
Morse submarine: 8 mois
Ariane submarine: 6 mois
Amazon submarine: 3 months
Eurydice submarine: 2 years
Minerve submarine: 1 year 1 month
On the Internet
29 years

Second master mechanic, married, two children.
Career:Submarine certificate 01/11/1964
Shark submarine: 3 years
Doris submarine: 3 yearss 1 month
Arethuse submarine: 3 yearss 1 month
Minerve submarine: 4 months
Bernard DORE
36 years

Chief petty officer, shift supervisor, married. Three children.
Career:Submarine certificate 03/19/1954
Millé submarine: 1 year 5 months
African submarine: 2 years 7 mois
Andromeda submarine: 2 years 4 months
Ariane submarine: 2 years 8 months
Minerve submarine: 1 year 1 month
On the internet
Raymond DUMONT
22 years old

Quartermaster 1. Cook, married, one child.
Career:Submarine certificate 01/07/1966
Eurydice submarine: 1 year 8 months
Minerva submarine: 11 months
On the Internet
Dominique FAURE
19 years old

Quartermaster electrician, single.
Minerve submarine: 10
On the Internet
We haven't been able to get in touch with his family.contactus if you can help us
32 years old

Lieutenant, married, two children, un unborn child
Career:Entrance Naval School: 01/10/1955
Flora submarine: 3 years
Argonaut submarine: 1 year
Narval submarine: 1 year
Minerve submarine: 10 days
On the Internet
- Career
Narwhal accident (mention after list of victims)
Information from the Gallo country -News from the Gallo country 21 07 21 - Information from the Gallo country 16 01 22
On the site:New Commander-Rumors-After the ceremony- Testimonials-Visit of the Flora-Resuming searches -The sailor -Laying of the commemorative plaque on the war memorial in Ploërmel -Tribute from the town of Ploërmel
Jean-Francois FORT
18 years old

Quartermaster 2. Radio, bachelor.
31 years

Lieutenant, married, two children.
Career: Entrance Naval School: 01/10/1957
Galathée submarine: 8 months
Eurydice submarine: 1 year
Minerve submarine: 1 year
On the internet
20 years

Quartermaster 2. ASH detector, single.
Career: Submarine certificate 01/02/1967
Minerve submarine: 11 months
On the internet
20 years

Seaman without specialty, single.
Minerva submarine: 1 month
On the Internet
21 years old

Quartermaster 1. Butler. Single.
Minerve submarine: 1 year 5 months
21 years old

Second master mechanic. Single.
Career:Submarine certificate 01/11/1966
Doris submarine: 1 year 1 month
Minerve submarine: 2 months
On the Internet
Bernard HELIES
20 years

Quartermaster Mechanic. fiance.
Career:Submarine certificate 01/01/1966
Eurydice submarine: 11 months
Minerve submarine: 1 year 1 month
- Memorial site
On the site:Testimony
Bernard Helmer
21 years old
Quartermaster 1. Radio, married.
Career:Submarine certificate 03/01/1965
Eurydice submarine: 8 months
Minerve submarine: 10 months
25 years

Ensign of vessel 1°. Single,
Career: Entrance Naval School: 01/10/1962
Minerve submarine: 10 months
On the Internet
20 years

Quartermaster 2. Engineer, bachelor.
Career:Submarine certificate 01/02/1967
Minerve submarine: 11 months
28 years old

Master Missilier, married, two children.
Career: Submarine certificate 01/08/1959
Amazon submarine: 2 years 5 months
submarine Euydice: 3 years 2 mois
submarine Minerva 1 an 6 months
Auguste LE MENS
37 years

Master electrician. Married, two children.
Career:Submarine certificate 01/07/1962
Shark submarine: 2 months
Narwhal submarine: 2 mois
Swordfish submarine: 4 months
Morse submarine: 5 mois
Porpoise submarine: 1 mois
Artemis submarine: 1 year 8 mois
Eurydice submarine: 1 year 7 mois
Minerve submarine: 9 months
Gilbert LEPORQ
20 years

Quartermaster 2. Helmsman, bachelor.
Career:Submarine certificate 01/07/1966
Roland Morillot submarine: 8 months
Minerve submarine: 10 months
21 years old

Quartermaster 1. Electrician, bachelor.
Career: Submarine certificate 04/01/1966
Roland Morillot submarine: 11 months
Minerve submarine: 10 mois
19 years old

Electrician sailor. Single.
Career: Submarine certificate 01/11/1967
Minerve submarine: 2 month
On the Internet
24 years

Mate 2. Mechanic, single.
Career:Submarine certificate 08/01/1959
Morse submarine: 2 years 5 months
Gymnote submarine: 10 months
Minerve submarine: 1 year
On the Internet
18 years old

Engineer sailor, single.
Career:Submarine certificate 01/11/1967
Minerve submarine: 2 months
On the Internet
- memorial site
The Voice of the North 08-02-2019
Francois MEUNIER
19 years old

Quarter master missile, bachelor.
Career: Submarine certificate 04/01/1967
Doris submarine: 4 months
Minerve submarine: 9 months (03/31/1967)
19 years old

Helmsman, single.
Juno submarine: 14 days
Minerve submarine: 1 month (in subsistence - replaces an absentee)
25 years

Second master 1. Radio, bachelor
Career:Submarine certificate 01/03/1966
submarine Diane: 2 years 3 months
Eurydice submarine 2 years 6 months
Minerve submarine: 1 year
On the Internet
Jean-Luc MOAL
23 years

Quartermaster 1. Missilier, bachelor
Career:Submarine certificate 01/10/1963
Ariane submarine: 2 years 3 months
Minerve submarine: 5 months
Jean-Marc MOUTON
19 years old

Electro quartermaster. single, 1 child
Career:Submarine certificate 01/11/1967
Minerva submarine: 1 month
Daniel NAAS
24 years
Mate 2. Mechanic, married. A child, an unborn child
Career: Submarine Certificate: 01/04/1962
Millé submarine: 6 months
Artemis submarine: 2 years 4 months
submarine Minerva: 1 year 11 months
Jean-Pierre NAUDIN
25 years

Mate 2. Missilier. Single.
Career:Submarine certificate 01/07/1967
Galatea submarine: 3 years 2 months
Juno submarine: 1 year 1 month
Minerve submarine: 10 months
On the Internet
Christian NICOLAS
19 years old

Quartermaster 2. Single mechanic.
Career:Submarine certificate 01/01/1967
Minerve submarine: 1 year
Memorial site
25 years

Mate 1. ASM detector, married, one child, one unborn child
Career: non sous marinier - on duty
Minerve submarine: 11 days
On the Internet
20 years

Missilier sailor, single, one unborn child
Career: Submarine certificate 01/02/1967
Minerve submarine: 11 months
On the Internet
19 years old

Quartermaster 2. Missilier, bachelor.
Career:Submarine certificate 01/01/1967
Minerve submarine: 1 year
On the Internet
26 years

Master mechanic, married, two children.
Career:Submarine certificate 01/11/1963
La Creole submarine: 3 days
Andromeda submarine: 1 an 5 months
Juno submarine: 1 an 6 month
Andromeda submarinee: 6 mois
Juno submarine: 11 mois
Minerve submarine: 6 month
On the internet
Jacques PRIARD
19 years old

Mechanic sailor, engaged.
Career:Submarine certificate 01/01/1968
Minerve submarine: 26 days
On the internet
On the site: Information of relatives , DNA item, Testimony 1,Testimonial 2
18 years old

Engineer sailor, single.
Minerve submarine: 1 month (in subsistence - replaces an absentee)
Jean-Louis RENARD
25 years

Ensign 1°, single.
Career: Entrance Naval School: 01/10/1962
Minerve submarine: 4 months
Richard RICH
27 years old

First master detector ASM. Married, three children.
Career:Submarine certificate 01/07/1962
Laubie submarine: 1 mois
Andromeda submarine: 1 year 6 months
Minerve submarine: 2 years 4 months
On the Internet
19 years old

Piece. Bachelor missile master.
Minerva submarine: 2 month (in subsistence - replaces an absentee)
- Memorial site
- On the site:Testimony
29 years

Mate 1. Married electrician, one child.
Career:Submarine certificate 08/01/1958
Amazon submarine: 2 years
Doris submarine: 2 years 2 mois
Eurydice submarine: 11 mois
Minerve submarine: 1 year 1 month
18 years old

Quartermaster 2. Missilier, bachelor.
Career: Submarine certificate 01/01/1967
Minerve submarine: 1 year
On the Internet
- Memorial site
- On the site:Testimony,France Bleue February 19
22 years old

Quartermaster electrician, single.
Career: Submarine certificate 06/01/1964
Venus submarine: 2 years 10 month
Minerve submarine: 5 month
On the Internet
20 years

Quartermaster 1. ASM detector, bachelor.
Minerve submarine: 11 months
21 years old

Quartermaster 1. ASM detector, bachelor.
Amazon submarine: 3 mois
Minerve submarine: 11 months
On the Internet