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The questions addressed here are those that are most often revenues by email or asked by journalists during interviews.
Can I freely use the content of the site?It depends on the editor or author of the photos. The best thing is to contact Hervé Fauve for a precise answer. At the top of the page there is an access for emails and contacts.
I knew a survivor of La Minerve, his name does not appear.The survivors of the Minerve are the 7 sailors who were officially considered as such in 1968 and attended the ceremony presided over by General de Gaulle with the sailor's beret bearing the name of the submarine. Those who had just left Minerve for another assignment or who had planned to join it in the following days or weeks are not among them. Moreover their names are not listed anywhere. It has also happened that over time confusion has arisen with other submarine accidents
Why don't we refloat the wreck?It's a maritime burial. It is traditional to leave untouched the grave of sailors who perished in a shipwreck. Moreover, it is not certain that this is of interest. There is no body, we would bail out for what?
Why was the research abandoned in 1970?Almost all of the protagonists of the time are now deceased. The question never seems to have been put to them publicly. Pierre Messmer however specified in 2003, during a private interview with 2 of the sons of the disappeared (Christophe Agnus and Hervé Fauve) that after the accident at La Flore he was convinced that he had the answer to the question of the cause of the sinking. He no longer saw the point of a search.
Why did you wait 51 years before showing up for a resumption of research?Families did not wait 51 years to act. Many parents have struggled simply to gain access to the classified defense file on Minerva. see on the site on the Menu: After 1971/ Secret Defense 2000-2018 All hit a wall and failed to achieve satisfaction. President Emmanuel Macron was the first to respond favorably to a request made on behalf of the families on the occasion of the commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the disappearance of La Minerva. It was only after reading this dossier, in July 2018, that the question of resuming research was raised.
Why was the file on the Minerva Confidential Defense when it contains no element that seems to justify this classification?In types of files such as that of the Minerve, there is information on the positions and missions of various military buildings, organizational elements and even technical details, all information considered sensitive by the Army. These are not intended to become public. So in principle, all cases of this type are systematically covered by the "Confidential Defense" classification, which is an automatic administrative measure. This classification then runs for 50 years from the most recent document (1970 for the Minerve file) and is then automatically renewed for periods of 10 years unless a joint commission of parliamentarians and representatives of the requesting authority decides the lifting of the defense secret during one of these deadlines. In the case of La Minerve, the classification was therefore not linked to the result of the investigation and, without action on our part, could have run until 2030 or even 2040...
Why did families not form an association in 1968 or today?In 1968 it was not fashionable, especially for soldiers. In 2019, no one saw the point of it. The functioning of the family group is done by network without hierarchy.
Why aren't all families involved?The first reason is that some families have not been found, for others the relationship with the deceased is distant. Apart from these 2 cases, all the families with one or more close members of the disappeared were involved.
How much did the 2019 research campaign cost?The whole operation would have cost around 3 to 4 million Euros. It should also be remembered that this concerns 52 men.
What differentiates the searches of 2019 and those of 1968-1970?The means of 2019 no longer have anything to do with those of 1968. We are going approximately 120 times faster in 2019. The 5 days of research for the Seabed Constructor would therefore have taken 600 days in 1968, i.e. almost 2 years to achieve the same precision.
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