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Speech by Alain Paquet

former crew member of the Minerve

ladies and gentlemen



These few words to tell you all the emotion I feel on this day in front of you.

Each of us has a destiny, mine passed through La Minerve. 

La Minerve I boarded there when I was 18, just after submarine navigation school, on January 1, 1967. I left La MINERVE on December 5, 1967, the very day of my birthday, in order to return in Lorient and this after having swapped with quartermaster Jean Marc Mouton.

This tragedy, I here share with you. For 51 years the name of Minerve has been going through my head every day. I am of course happy to be with you on this day, but also sad. Many thanks to all those who contributed to the discovery of La Minerve.
Thank you all for being present on this day of remembrance.
Thank you   

Alain Paquet rendant homma à ses camarades diparus à bord de la Minerve
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