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The commemoration of the  fiftieth anniversary of the disappearance of Minerva in the press

The coverage of the fiftieth anniversary in the press was unusually extensive in comparison with the coverage enjoyed by previous ceremonies. 

The launch of the site you are currently viewing has contributed a lot to this. By providing the press with information infinitely more abundant than all that had been available before, it was able to renew the content of the articles which had all revolved around the same question for 18 years ( see pageControversies).

The contacts established on this occasion would allow, through the audience thus created, all that followed in 2018, that is to say the declassification of the file then the resumption of research.

Var Matin- 22/01/2018 50° anniversaire de la disparirion du sous-marin Minerve
Var-Matin - 50° anniversaire de la disparition du sous-marin Minerve
Var Matin- 28/01/2018 50° anniversaire de la disparition du sous-marin Minerve
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